is searching for people who are interested in sharing knowledge that is both relevant and inspirational on issues related to technology. In addition, the website is looking for experienced writers who can contribute guest pieces of high quality.

If you are interested in contributing an article to, you are more than welcome to do so, and we are grateful that you have shown interest in doing so.

Guest Post Submission Guidelines:

We do allow guest postings, but our guidelines for doing so are rather stringent. We are going to have to turn down your article if you do not adhere to these criteria. The following is a list of the guidelines for the submission:

  1. The length of the article should be at least 500 words.
  2. The Article must not have been posted anywhere else on the internet; you must submit the original article.
  3. Don’t write in a formal or academic tone!
  4. Be careful to focus on quality, distinctiveness, grammar, and phrases
  5. We will verify your postings for plagiarism, and any articles that include text that has been copied, duplicated, or spun will be rejected if we find any of these things.
  6. The links included in the post are required to be pertinent to the topic.
  7. We do not permit any links to affiliate programs.
  8. There should be at least one image present. For featured photos, the image size should be at least 1200 pixels wide and 628 pixels high.
  9. Be sure to include a brief author biography.

These are the nine rules that all guest authors are required to abide by. It is possible that guest authors who violate these restrictions will not be accepted. If it is required, we shall not accept the articles.

Vacancies That We Are Willing To Fill

We welcome guest postings in a variety of specialized areas; the following is a summary of such areas:

  1. Apps
  2. Business
  3. Definitions
  4. Gadgets
  5. Instructions and Reference Materials
  6. Technology
  7. Mobile

These are the seven categories that are exclusive to our website; however, we do accept guest contributions on any related subject matter.

You can send in your pitches if you are an expert in writing material on these themes and you want to write for us. Be mindful that we will evaluate everything before we post your article on our website, so make sure everything is accurate. Do not try to fool us by uploading stuff that is either obsolete or duplicated.

Search Terms:

“Write for us”+ Tech
“Write of us “+ tech news
“Write for us”+ tech business
“Write for us”+ latest tech news
“Write to us”+ marketing
Business: “Write for us “ + Guest Post
Business “Write to us”
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“Write for us”+ Startup Business
“Write for us” Share your Business Story
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